Dove hunting beneficial for local businesses

Yuma Sun – Editorial
Sept. 16, 2010
A late-summer tradition in Yuma – dove hunting – has come and gone again.
Although it lasted from Sept. 1 to Sept. 15, in reality most of the activity took place in the early days when hunters from around the state and even outside the state made their trek to the fields and desert areas in Yuma County to get their limit of the small but tasty game birds.
This has been happening for many years in our area which is noted for its good dove hunting. Longtime residents can tell stories of Hollywood celebrities coming here to hunt. But the hunters who come here are mostly just ordinary folks who enjoy the sport.
Often it becomes a family tradition, with groups coming year after year, frequently teaching their children to hunt when they are old enough. It is also a family tradition for many area residents who don’t have to travel here to hunt doves, but enjoy it just as much as those from elsewhere.
It is about more that recreational enjoyment, however. It provides a big economic boost to our businesses each year – and we can certainly use that. Hunters stay in local hotels, eat in local restaurants and buy sporting supplies, gas and other necessities when staying here. They spend a lot of money to have fun here.
Our community has grown in size over the years and the impact may not be as obvious as in the past, but it is there nevertheless.
Inevitably there are some who object to hunting and feel it is cruel to hunt doves. But the majority of Yuma County residents understand hunting is an American tradition and welcome the arrival of the hunters each year.
By The Yuma Sun